Creating Three Beautiful Apps at Once with Xamarin.Forms

Matthew Soucoup


10:30 - 11:15

You read that title correct – you can create an app for three different platforms all at once using Xamarin.Forms.

Xamarin.Forms has come a long way since the days of when its recommended use was for simple apps and prototyping only and in this session, I will show you the advances made and how to utilize them to create beautiful apps yourself. You will see the basic structure of a Xamarin.Forms app and how to use XAML and the built-in controls to create a UI. You’ll learn about the MVVM pattern and data binding so information can be presented and modified in the UI and app logic layer with ease. You’ll walk through accessing platform specific native controls – from XAML! At the end of this session – you’ll be able to create a beautiful app – make that three beautiful apps – with Xamarin.Forms.